
Direct Evolution Films is a production company based in LA.

Direct Evolution Films is a production company based in LA.

Our Mission

We’re no scientists, but the origin of Direct Evolution Films is indeed inspired by Nobel Laureate – Frances Arnold’s innovation of Directed Evolution [1].

As storytellers, we love the process of “Directing” and “Evolving.” Not only does this combo sound cool, but it also hits to the core of our firm belief in assisting and guiding our clients through the creative process of developing and realizing their ultimate visions via video creations. 




[1] Directed evolution (DE) is a method used in protein engineering that mimics the process of natural selection to steer proteins or nucleic acids toward a user-defined goal. 

Lutz S (December 2010). “Beyond directed evolution–semi-rational protein engineering and design”. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 21 (6): 734–43. doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2010.08.011PMC2982887PMID20869867.



